Hybrid & Remote Learning Resources

The resources below can be used to help you and your scholar tackle current events & to keep your scholar engaged, and learning during this time of remote learning.

Hybrid & Remote Learning Handbooks

Hybrid Family Handbook.pdf

Platforms for Distance Learning


Live classes will be held via zoom, a video-chatting tool. Zoom offers lots of options, such as the ability to wordlessly signal to the teacher that you have a question, brainstorm on a virtual whiteboard, and collaborate on projects by annotating documents on other students' screens.

Zoom gives kids tools to interact with each other and the teacher, work together, and even break off into smaller groups -- just as if they were sitting with each other in a classroom.

  • Share screen. This allows the entire class to view one person's computer screen. Students can even annotate a document on another kid's computer. Teachers can restrict this so only their screen can be shared.

  • Whiteboard. This is a brainstorming tool that lets kids toss ideas around, such as for a group project.

  • Breakout rooms. The teacher can divide students up into smaller groups, and then bring the entire class back together.

  • Raise hand, clap, disagree, speed up, slow down. These are icons kids can use to: let the teacher know they have a question or comment, react to something, or ask the teacher to talk faster or slower

Zoom Expectations:

  • For the safety of students please have your child’s name appear when they log in and not a nickname or the name of a family member.

  • Students are asked to have their video on during each lesson to ensure that they are fully present with the content of the lesson

platforms for Pk-3


Seesaw is a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what's happening in the classroom. Seesaw gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology. Each student gets their own journal and will add things to it, like photos, videos, drawings, or notes. When there are new Seesaw posts, families can be notified via app notification, email or SMS. Parents are only notified about their own child’s work, and all data is safe and secure.

Platforms for 3-12


Schoology is a virtual learning environment for K-12 students and classrooms that allows users to create, manage, and share academic content. It integrates multiple platforms we use on a daily basis into one platform.


Nearpod is a student engagement platform in which a teacher can create presentations that can contain quizzes, polls, videos, images, drawing boards, web content and more. Presentations can be shared for asynchronous, student-paced learning, or given in real-time for synchronous, interactive lessons.


Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create "grids" to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is like a message board where teachers can pose questions, called "topics", and students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display.


Remind is a communication platform that helps educators reach students and parents where they are. Messages can be sent in real time to an entire class, a small group, or just a single person. It can also be used to schedule announcements and attach photos or other files.

Resources For Teaching Racial Justice

General Online Resources

Start by focusing on making and sticking to a routine. Kids are used to following a schedule at school, so making a blueprint for the day will be helpful during this challenging time. Start by mapping out how the days will look at home to match how they learn at school. The goal is to keep kids busy and learning while allowing you to get other things done too.

Best practices to set a routine for your child:

  • Start with their school routine

  • Dedicate time for play

  • Schedule in some easy indoor activities

  • Build in reading time

  • Make a screen time routine

Additional resources:

khan Academy & dreambox

Khan Academy Information

Khan Academy is a free online resource that allows students to learn anytime, anywhere, with material that is uniquely appropriate for them. Students can explore new topics and strengthen their skills by doing practice problems and tutorials. As students learn, their activity feeds into reports that show important information such as strengths and weaknesses in a particular concept.

To join your join your child’s Khan Academy class follow these steps:

  1. Go to khanacademy.org/join

  2. Enter your class code and press “Add”. Add all 4 class codes before moving on to the next step.

    1. Find your child’s class codes on your Individualized Reference Sheet

  3. Click “Create a new account”

  4. Select your birthday Month, Day and Year

  5. Select “Continue with Google”

  6. Enter your DREAM student email and password.

    1. Find your DREAM email and password in the Individualized Reference Sheet

  7. Click “Next”

DreamBox Information

We have purchased DreamBox Learning, a K-8 digital math program that independent studies have found to raise student achievement and better prepare children for future success.

To Access DreamBox on a Browser

  1. Go to https://play.dreambox.com/login/jcru/dreamcs

  2. Enter username and password

    1. Find your child’s login information on your Individualized Reference Sheet

  3. Click “Log In”

To Access DreamBox on an iPad

  1. Go to https://www.dreambox.com/ipad, or search for "DreamBox Learning Math" in the App Store. If you already have the app installed, you’ll want to make sure the latest version of the app has been installed so your student receives the most current experience and lessons.

  2. When prompted in the app, enter this school code: jcru/dreamcs